Aux Anciens Canadiens
34, Rue Saint Louis, Québec, G1R 4P3
Web https://auxancienscanadiens.qc.ca/
The historic Maison Jacquet, one of the largest houses in upper-town in its day and the oldest in Quebec, was built in 1675-76. The site was granted to François Jacquet on November 30, 1674 by the nuns of the neighboring Ursuline Convent.
Its thick walls, solid joints, marvelous wainscoting and recessed cupboards
are characteristic of the houses constructed during that period.
The premises consist of two buildings, that on the westernmost side being the newest,
and that on the east dating back to the French Regime.
Several prominent figures have resided in Maison Jacquet, including the author of the novel "Les Anciens Canadiens", Philippe-Aubert de Gaspé, who lived here from 1815 to 1824. Though it is contradicted by history, the myth persists that General Montcalm also lived and died in this famous house.
Since 1966, the Maison Jacquet has housed the restaurant Aux Anciens Canadiens, internationally know for its fine cuisine and warm hospitality.