Le Fromage au Village
83 Notre-Dame Ouest Lorrainville, Qc J0Z 2R0
[email protected]
Web https://www.fromageauvillage.ca
20 years already
In 1990, we acquired a dairy farm. This is the family farm "Barrette", belonging to the Barrette family for four generations.
Following some ideas of transformation of the property, our choice turned to a cheese factory. On 26 September 1996, the cheese factory opened. At that time, the milk produced on the farm was only processed into cheese curds, which were distributed locally.
In 1998, after a little over a year of testing, we were finally ready to market our Le Cru du Clocher cheese. Distribution began across Abitibi-Témiscamingue. A few months later, our association with Plaisirs Gourmets started. Thanks to it, Le Cru du Clocher is available in several specialty shops in Quebec.
But on December 18, 1999, the misfortune struck: a fire ravaged the barn and part of the herd. How to get milk in the short term?
We decided to use the milk of some of our neighbors.
Since then, the selection is based on the diet offered to the cows and the microbial quality of the milk. After a delay to validate the quality of the milk, production of the Cru du Clocher resumed.
During all these years, we have worked to expand our distribution territory, both geographically and with new products. In 2012, we decided to produce a soft cheese.
From our experiments was born the Angelus, and a few months later, the Cendré de Notre-Dame took shape. In 2016, Anne Barrette joined the team. She is interested in "taking over" the cheese factory.