Fromagerie Les Folies Bergères
955 QC-317, St-Sixte, QC J0X 3B0
Web https://www.lafromagerielesfoliesbergeres.ca/
Our specialty, farm cheeses made from sheep's milk from our herd. In addition, we make Petite-Nation cheddar and a range of goat milk cheeses. We also offer the meat produced on our farm, namely lamb and pork.
The Entrepreneurs
Christian and Maggie arrived late to farming. Both ex-servicemen, disciplined and passionate, this couple loves a challenge and together has strengths of organization and perseverance. They have training in sheep production in addition to their university training.
The farm
The farm at St-Sixte includes the main livestock building and over 40 acres of pasture for the herd in the summer. Christian takes care of the herd and the hay and grain crops.
In 2005 they bought a second farm to have enough land for hay and grain and also a livestock building for market lambs and replacement lambs.