Au Jardin du Gouverneur
16 R. Mont-Carmel, Québec, QC G1R 4A3
418. 692.1704
[email protected]
Web https://www.hotelsnouvellefrance.com/fr/jardin-du-gouverneur
A blend of historic charm and modern comfort, Jardin du Gouverneur is located near the Dufferin Terrace. It boasts breathtaking views of the St. Lawrence River, the architecture of Old Quebec as well as the noble Parc des Gouverneurs, from which the hotel takes its name.
A stay at Jardin du Gouverneur is like staying in a historic building dating back over 170 years. Entirely renovated with respect for its heritage and architecture, the hotel has preserved its character while harmonizing comfort and modern conveniences.
The Jardin du Gouverneur's location puts visitors within walking distance of the most popular tourist sites, restaurants, the Québec City Parliament, the Centre des Congrès de Québece and all major business centers.