GRIS Estrie
165 Rue Moore, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 1B8
[email protected]
Web https://grisestrie.org/
GRIS Estrie (Groupe régional d'intervention sociale de l'Estrie) is a non-profit community organization that demystifies sexual orientation and gender identity using the testimonial method.
The GRIS Estrie intervention team is made up of volunteers who have undergone rigorous training.
GRIS Estrie is a non-profit organization founded in 2014 whose mission is to promote greater awareness of sexual and gender diversity and facilitate the integration of LGBT+ people into society.
Since school is an environment where young people's values take shape and ignorance gives way to knowledge, we have chosen to prioritize the school environment to demystify sexual orientations and gender identities. We work mainly in Estrie highschools.
GRIS volunteers also intervene with other clienteles, such as francization classes, youth centers, workplaces, and any other environment that requests it.